Yeah, motion sickness can be a problem in VR. But boundless movement and traversal like in Boneworks, Sairento and Stormlands can be mighty awesome if done right. Spider-Man could totally work in VR. But I don't see them converting the biggest current Sony IP into an VR only game. I hope they make something fresh for VR. Spider-Man also appeared in other print forms besides the comics, including novels, children's books, and the daily newspaper comic strip The Amazing Spider-Man, which debuted in January 1977, with the earliest installments written by Stan Lee and drawn by John Romita Sr. Spider-Man has been adapted to other media including games, toys. “That’s right, Spider-Man — run! It’s all you can do, my taciturn foe — and even if you run until your last breath is spent you’ll never escape me! Not now — NOR EVER AGAIN! Beg, Spider-Man — beg for the mercy you’ll never receive! Perhaps now you’ll understand what a true enemy you’ve made!
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Peter Parker has been decked out in a wide variety of costumes in his time fighting crime and you can wear a lot of them with the Spider-Man PS5 suits. Whether it’s his own improvised ragtag outfit from the early years, or the ludicrously high-tech Iron Spider suit, Peter has something in his wardrobe for practically every occasion. And these outfits don’t just look good in Spider-Man PS5, no; each one of them comes equipped with its own buffs and powers that can be triggered by hitting L3 and R3 simultaneously on the pad. Mix and match suits and powers to cater to your playstyle, and you’ll be an unstoppable crime-fighting machine.
But looking good never necessarily comes easy. To unlock and equip the various outfits, you’ll need to collect enough resource tokens by completing various tasks around the map. There are six types of resources to pilfer: backpack, research, landmark, crime, challenge, and base. On top of that, most suits will require story milestone completion or hitting a level cap if you want to unlock them. For a full rundown of everything you need to know, here’s how to get every single one of Spider-Man’s suits along with the power they come with.
Warning: at the end of this article there are MAJOR spoilers about the end of Spider-Man. You have been warned.
Advanced suit
Unlocks at: Completion of mission Something Old, Something New
Requires: 1 x backpack, 2 x crime tokens
Power: Battle Focus - Lets you rapidly generate focus to either heal or take out enemies instantly with finishing moves.
Comes from: This suit is completely new and was designed especially for the PS4 game!
Classic suit (damaged)
Unlocks at: Completion of mission Something Old, Something New
Requires: None (you get it automatically)
Power: None
Comes from: Come on, you know as well as us that this outfit is as classic as it gets for ol’ Spidey.
Classic suit (repaired)
Unlocks at: Completion of mission Something Old, Something New
Requires: 2 x backpack, 2 x crime tokens
Power: Web Blossom - Lets you jump up in the air and web everything in sight, making it great for crowd control.
Comes from: Just like above, this suit is what springs to mind when you think of Spider-Man.
Noir suit
Unlocks at: Completion of mission Something Old, Something New
Requires: 2 x backpack, 1 x base tokens
Power: Sound of Silence - Enemies don’t call for backup once they’re alerted.
Comes from: This suit comes from Spider-Man Noir, an alternate timeline of Peter Parker’s Great Depression adventures set in 1933 as part of the Marvel Noir universe.
Scarlet spider
Unlocks at: Completion of mission Something Old, Something New
Requires: 3 x crime, 2 x landmark tokens
Power: Holo Decoy - Spawns multiple decoys that stun attacking enemies.
Comes from: Ben Reilly, Peter Parker’s clone, was the first character to wear this outfit and becomes the Scarlet Spider when he tries to kill Carnage. He’s even fought Venom as the Scarlet Spider, pretty much making him a hero in his own right.
Spider armor Mk II suit
Unlocks at: Level 5
Requires: 1 x landmark, 2 x research tokens
Power: Bullet Proof - Makes you temporarily bullet proof, even to snipers. Very handy for when you’re overwhelmed by ranged foes.
Comes from: This suit was crafted by Peter when he lost his Spider-sense, hence why it’s bulletproof as he wasn’t able to dodge incoming bullets without his sixth sense.
Secret War suit
Unlocks at: Level 7
Requires: 2 x backpack, 1 x base, 2 x research tokens
Power: Arms Race - Lets out a blast that stuns enemies and disables weapons - again, exceedingly useful when you find yourself overwhelmed. Not in life, the game.
Comes from: Interestingly, the first mention of the Secret War suit is during the Secret Wars storyline, where Spider-Man is given a suit made of an alien symbiote that ends up infecting Eddie Brock and becoming Venom. The suit then becomes called the Symbiotic suit, although the in-game suit doesn’t have any Venom-y powers.
Stark suit
Unlocks at: Level 10
Requires: 1 x base, 3 x crime, 1 x research tokens
Power: Spider Bro power - Deploys the spider drone from the movie which helps you out in combat by zapping enemies with electricity.
Comes from: This one is from Captain America: Civil War and Spider-Man: Homecoming, where Tom Holland’s Peter Parker gets given the suit by none other than Tony Stark. The spider drone features in the second half of Homecoming too.
Negative suit
Unlocks at: Level 11
Requires: 1 x base, 2 x landmark, 1 x research tokens
Power: Negative shockwave - Unleashes a wave of negative energy to damage nearby enemies.
Comes from: In the comics this suit appears when Spider-Man voyages to the Negative Zone, a parallel universe. Unsurprisingly it also crops up when Spider-Man is affected by the powers of Martin Li, aka Mr Negative.
Electrically Insulated suit
Unlocks at: Level 13
Requires: 1 x base, 1 x research, 3 x crime tokens
Power: Electric Punch - Surprise surprise, it lets you punch enemies with electrically-charged fists.
Comes from: When Spider-Man fought Electro in Amazing Spider-Man #425 and had to protect himself from electricity. The design is pretty faithful, right down to the red padding.
Unlocks at: Level 16
Requires: 2 x backpack, 3 x crime, 2 x landmark tokens
Power: Rock Out - Makes Spider-Man whip out an electric guitar and stun enemies with soundwaves. Rad.
Comes from: Spider-Punk is otherwise known as Hobart Brown, a working-class hero who fought President Norman “Ozzy” Osborn in the comics and beat him over the head with his guitar.
Wrestler suit
Unlocks at: Level 19
Requires: 2 x backpack, 2 x base, 2 x research
Power: King of the Ring - Lets you web throw enemies without having to web them up first.
Comes from: The fight Spider-Man had with “Crusher” Hogan in the comics but, more recently, the battle between Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man and Randy Savage’s Bonesaw. The costume isn’t an exact replica to either fight, but it comes close.
Fear Itself suit
Unlocks at: Level 21
Requires: 2 x base, 6 x challenge, 3 x research tokens
Power: Quad Damage - Lets you temporarily deal massive damage to nearby enemies.
Comes from: The Serpent’s War storyline, when the Dwarves of Nidavellir and Tony Stark teamed up to build Peter the suit and help various superheroes defeat a villain named The Serpent. It was made using Uru, the same metal that Thor’s hammer Mjolnir is made out of.
Stealth ('Big Time') suit
Unlocks at: Level 23
Requires: 2 x base, 4 x challenge, 3 x landmark tokens
Power: Blur Projector - Creates a bubble that completely conceals you from enemies’ vision as long as you stay inside it.
Comes from: Peter created this suit in the Big Time storyline to protect him from the Hobgoblin’s sonic attacks and turn himself invisible.
Spider Armor MK III suit
Unlocks at: Level 27
Requires: 2 x base, 4 x crime tokens
Power: Titanium Alloy Plates - Reflects all bullets back at enemies (except sniper rounds).
Comes from: When Spider-Man needed a suit that he could use to defeat all members of the Sinister Six in Amazing Spider-Man #682. In the comics it can fly, is electricity-proof, is strong enough withstand the Rhino’s attacks, and prevents Spider-Man from being affected by Mysterio’s illusions.
Spider-Man 2099 Black suit
Unlocks at: Level 29
Requires: 2 x base, 2 x crime, 4 x research
Power: Low Gravity - Lets you decrease gravity while in the air, especially useful for yanking enemies into the air for endless aerial attacks as long as it’s active. Paired with the perk that lets you deal more damage while airborne if you really want to hurt your foes.
Comes from: The Earth-928 universe when it’s worn by Miguel O’Hara, an engineer. After splicing his DNA with spider genetic material, he develops talons, fangs, and super-senses, and becomes (literally this time) Spider-Man.
Iron Spider suit
Unlocks at: Level 31
Requires: 3 x base, 3 x challenge, 4 x crime tokens
Power: Iron Arms - Four iron spider legs will spring from your back and help you out in battle, even knocking back enemies with melee weapons without needing to break their block.
Comes from: The events of Civil War (originally a comic storyline before the movies), when it’s created for Peter by Tony Stark. However, in the comics the suit has three arms and is red and gold, and in the movie the suit has four, meaning the suit you get in-game looks like it’s mostly inspired by the movie.
Velocity suit
Unlocks at: Level 33
Requires: 2 x backpack, 2 x landmark, 4 x challenge tokens
Power: Blitz - Lets you sprint at incredible speeds and run into enemies, sending them flying with all your momentum.
Comes from: Specially-designed for Spider-Man on the PS4 by Marvel artist Adi Granov, this suit is all-new and all-awesome.
Spider Armor MK IV suit
Unlocks at: Level 35
Requires: 4 x base, 4 x challenge, 3 x landmark tokens
Power: Defence Shield - Deploys energy shields that absorb all damage, great for when you’re in the thick of battle.
Comes from: The fourth upgrade of his armour, this is one of Spider-Man’s most technologically-impressive suits mainly because it’s made of liquid metal. In the comics it’s so advanced that it can even obey Spider-Man’s thoughts.
Spirit Spider
Unlocks at: Level 37
Requires: 6 x base, 6 x challenge, 6 x crime tokens
Power: Spirit fire - Summons waves of blue flame that set enemies on fire. Plus it looks awesome.
Comes from: This, despite the name change, appears to be Ghost Spider, an alternate universe Peter Parker who tried stealing the powers of other dimensions’ Spider-Mans. He was eventually killed, spent some time in hell and then was brought back as Ghost Spider by Dr Strange.
Spider-Man 2099 White suit
Unlocks at: Level 39
Requires: 4 x base, 4 x challenge, 4 x crime tokens
Power: Concussion Strike - Sends enemies flying with every hit.
Comes from: The storyline when Miguel O’Hara, wearer of the Spider-Man 2099 Black suit, became a part of Parker Industries. Peter made this new suit for him.
Vintage Comic Book suit
Unlocks at: Level 41
Requires: 4 x backpack, 4 x challenge, 4 x crime tokens
Power: Quips - Spider-Man blurts out funny remarks when he’s fighting bad guys.
Comes from: The comics, of course! Specifically it nods back to the first of the Amazing Spider-Man comics and the classic Steve Ditko designed costume.
Last Stand suit
Unlocks at: Level 45
Requires: 20 x crime (yes, really) tokens
Power: Unrelenting Fury - Enemies can’t block your attacks even if they have shields.
Comes from: Earth-312500, where in the comics we see what Peter Parker could be like in the future. This version of him is an anti-hero after he became a killer by destroying Doctor Octopus and Kraven the Hunter.
Unlocks at: 100% the entire game
Requires: None
Power: Equaliser - Everyone goes down in one hit...including you. Well, you’re in your underpants, what did you expect?!
Comes from: A brief scene in the game where you see Peter Parker in his undergarments, complete with Spidey-themed pants.
Homemade suit
Unlocks at: Finish the first backpack mission
Requires: Find every single backpack in the city
Power: None
Comes from: The movie Spider-Man: Homecoming and the prequel comic, where we see what Tom Holland’s Peter Parker wore before Tony Stark gave him the Stark suit.
Dark suit
Unlocks at: Finish all the Black Cat Stakeouts
Requires: Find all the Black Cat Stakeouts
Power: None
Comes from: Black Cat, who designs and gives it to Peter Parker in the game. Aww.
ESU suit

Unlocks at: Level 50
Requires: Find all 50 Spider-Man PS4 secret photos
Power: None
Comes from: Empire State University is the college Peter Parker attended, so he's just showing his academic pride. Fun fact: Dr Doom, Emma Frost, and a pre-Venom Eddie Brock also attended ESU.
This next one is a MASSIVE endgame spoiler, so don’t scroll below the Spidey picture if you want it to remain unspoiled...
Anti-Ock suit
Unlocks at: Last mission, Pax in Bello
Requires: None
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Power: Resupply - Continuously refills the current equipped gadget’s shots and looks really frickin’ cool.
Comes from: This seems partly inspired by the yellow and black colours of the suit Otto Octavius wore as the Superior Octopus, but otherwise the design is all-new.
Want to try out the web-slinging action yourself? Just look here to get the best price on Spider-Man PS4 and step into Spidey’s shoes.
- > >
- Arachnophobia
DOS - 1991
Also available on: Commodore 64 - Amiga - Amstrad CPC
Description of Arachnophobia
This PC adaptation of the bizarre Disney movie of the same name is fun, if a little too frustrating due to unintuitive controls and way too many spiders.
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The U.S. Department of Agriculture has hired your extermination firm to destroy the deadly Queen spiders and their lethal offspring before they take over the country. Once you wipe out the threat in the U.S., it's time to head out to the Amazon rain forest to destroy the entire herd... which is where the action gets really frustrating due to huge amounts of spiders that seem to descend from every direction. If you kill all the spiders in the house, you are congratulated by sampled speech and put back into the neighborhood ready to enter the next house. Some houses contain items that you can collect to help you in your extermination.
The humorous sampled speech is a nice touch, as is the realistic movements of the spiders. A fun action game, if you're confident of your reflexes :)
Review By HOTUD
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Comments and reviews
L4R63N72018-09-041 point DOS version
Enter 'spider on' to start the game with much better sound.
helperman2018-08-020 point
go to and download and run the windows installer.
KMetalmind2016-01-03-1 point DOS version
I get garbled sprite graphics both on my Dosbox and playing through here on the browser. Does it happen to anybody? Is it a Dosbox version problem or is it a problem of the download?
Thanks in advance!
thegame2015-08-180 point
Hi all,
How do I install / play on a WIndows 8 PC?
Thanks in advance
Mr. Game & Watch2014-06-21-1 point DOS version
Does anyone know how to change the sound settings?
sheepmanbuddy2014-04-300 point DOS version
How do I enter a house?
Matgog2013-09-120 point DOS version
Great!!! Thanks for the copy protection
Jonny Bravo2013-09-090 point DOS version
Here is a picture of the 'identify this spider' copy protection :
Thank you to SpidersR'Us for figuring out spider number 10! I was able to use this information to create the above image. The key is to find spider number 10 in the list. There is only one spider with a red abdomen (butt) and white diamond. From here you can simply count up or down to the number you need, 1-30.
Controls: Use the number pad; Home(7) End(1) PgUp(9) PgDn(3) to aim the sprayer up and down and move, up(8) down(2) arrows to go through stairs. Enter to shoot spray, space to use bomb, '+' key to jump, useful for jumping over matches until you need them.
Press 'o' to leave a house when you are done, wish i figured this out earlier. 's' toggles sound, 'p' toggles pause.
Play: Find and kill the queen (yellow legs, shows up after you kill the nest). Enter any house you want, kill the nest, if the queen is not there exit ('o' key) and look at the compass in the lower right. This will tell you where the queen is. Keep checking houses in that direction until you find the queen.
I'm pretty sure the only way to kill her is to find the pink spray can and some matches. (I think you need to pick them up in that order too). This will create a flame thrower that will kill the queen in one shot.
Have Fun
SpidersR'Us2013-08-280 point DOS version
Okay, I figured this copy protection out.
The spiders are displayed in an ordered list. Spider 1 above Spider 2, Spider 2 above Spider 3, and so on.
The easiest way to crack this is that spider 10 and spider 11 look almost identical, but flipped and different colored (10 is red with a white diamond facing left and 11 is blue with a white diamond facing right)
And being arrayed in order, they're right next to each other, so scroll through the list until you see them on top of each other (10 on top of 11)
From there you can count in either direction to the number they give you on the screen to your right.
Spider 11 also shows up again as 25, but he's not next to his twin, so look for them in their paired form.
Happy Playing
Matgog2013-06-080 point DOS version
Anyone got the copy protection?
kostas2013-06-030 point DOS version
The One They Call Sun2012-07-100 point DOS version
I fucking hate spiders too.
Baka San2012-02-120 point DOS version
Does anyone know the controls for this game, I know that ENTER sprays with the gun and SPACE drops a bug bomb; but I can't figure out how to jump and stomp. You'd think it'd be the UP and DOWN ARROWS but for some reason, it's not. Plus a spider ID chart would be good to get past the protection screen (I installed fresh using DOSBox to see if that was the issue with the controls but can't get past the spider ID screen to test this theory).
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DOS Version
Commodore 64 Version
- Year:1991
- Publisher:Walt Disney Computer Software, Inc.
- Developer:BlueSky Software, Inc.
Amiga ROM
- Year:1991
- Publisher:Walt Disney Computer Software, Inc.
- Developer:BlueSky Software, Inc.
Amstrad CPC Version
Run Rightspiter Games Game
- Year:1991
- Publisher:Titus France SA
- Developer:BlueSky Software, Inc.
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