Learn To Type!teach To Be Happy

Not only does this text type teach us about the interesting lives of real people, but biography lesson activities also teach skills such as researching, interviewing, editing and proofreading. As well as this, biography writing provides excellent opportunities for cross-curricular integration. Once again I encourage each Visitor to send this circular to the members of his province. I, as always, will be happy to receive any comments, opinions, positive criticisms, and, of course, ideas about other ways that we can deepen our identity. I conclude with a quote from the Final Document of the General Assembly. You just need to learn and apply the simple steps to get back to basics and back to nature. Since the business world began changing nature over 100 years ago, we have slowly stopped the body from doing what it is designed to do. What you will learn here, is that your “intention” will actually change the way your body produces chemicals.

Tri-Cities Education Association for Christian Homeschoolers

Membership Handbook

(revised- August 2019)

Table of Contents

Code of Conduct 3

Committees & TEACH Sector leaders 3

Social Media Guidelines 6

Co-op Guidelines 7

Parent Support 14

Field Trips 14

Bylaws 16

Constitution 24

Note: TEACH Athletics has their own handbook separate from this document.

Code of Conduct

  • Students are expected to display a good attitude, respect and courtesy to all adults at TEACH functions.

  • Possession of drugs, alcohol, tobacco and/or any type of electronic nicotine delivery system or weapons is prohibited at all TEACH functions. The exception to this rule is weapons created in structured TEACH activities, under adult supervision with prior parental approval.

  • Fighting is not allowed.

  • Children should be supervised at all times.

  • Conflicts should be handled in a mature, Biblical manner. Problems should be taken directly and privately to the concerned individual(s) and not become an object of gossip.

Committees & TEACH Section Leaders:

These are brief expectations and do not limit the committees to items mentioned only nor do these descriptions mandate the existence of the committees or positions every year.

Learn to type teach to be happy hour
  1. TEACH Activities and Events: This committee is currently comprised of the leaders of the following events, clubs and/or activities:

  • Field trips

  • TEACH Teens

  • Back to School Picnic

  • High School Graduation

  • Kindergarten Graduation

  • High School Formal

  • Teen Events (Monthly teen nights, dances, etc)

  • Eta Sigma Alpha Honor Society

  • Science Fair

  • Spelling Bee

  • Woodman Speech Contest

  • National History Day

  • Market Day

  • Box Tops collection

  • BETA & Jr. BETA Clubs

  • Yearbook

  • Market Day

  • Mom's Night Out

  • Care & Concern

  • Others as needed/developed

Committee members should:

  • Notify Communication/Social Media Committee of any information that needs to be posted to the website, social media, facebook page and/or newsletter with plenty of notice and details for the event, field trip or activity.

  • Have a representative report or present a written report at the quarterly board meetings.

  • All budgeted items for Academic Fairs/Contest must be presented in writing to the Board no later than February prior to the new school year in August.

The following TEACH committees have more specific requirements as listed below.

2) Athletics Committee: This committee is responsible for overseeing the program of our sports teams. The Athletic chair will hold monthly meetings and report to the TEACH Board quarterly. The athletic committee consists of leadership including: Chair, Co-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Volleyball Coordinator, Basketball Coordinator, Cheer Coordinator, Outreach Coordinator, and Events Coordinator.
Responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Uphold TEACH Athletic policies, procedures and Code of Conduct

  • Select and interview coaches and volunteers as needed

  • Schedule tryouts, practices, games

  • Set fees and negotiate costs for uniforms, rental facilities, etc…

  • Manage athletics budget while working closely with TEACH treasurer

  • Maintain inventory of TEACH athletic equipment

  • Communicate with coaches & volunteers holding a bi-annual coaches meeting (Pre/Post Season)

  • Organize sports banquet

3) Care and Concern Committee

Responsibilities include:

  • Ensure struggling members are supported and encouraged mentally, physically and spiritually as necessary.

  • Facilitate Homeschooling 101 classes or Mom's Prayer Time classes during the co-op hours.

4) Social Media/Communication Committee: This committee is in charge of all formal communication within TEACH, which encompasses the website, e-mail and any social media platforms desired. The TEACH website, emails Instagram and Facebook groups are intended to be the primary methods of communication for the TEACH membership. It is highly recommended that one TEACH high school student be part of this committee and direct communication to teens

Responsibilities include:

  • Maintain a TEACH handbook on the website, updated yearly, that allows each member easy access to the information that will help them get the most out of their TEACH membership.

  • Keep website current with information (i.e. dates and information of events, contact persons, minutes.)

  • Present information to media on behalf of TEACH

  • Admin access to website is limited to TEACH members in leadership positions and approval is at the discretion of the webmaster.

NOTE: Personal/individual use of the TEACH email distribution list for mass posting of forwards, advertisements, grievances of any kind and personal messages is inappropriate. All group emails desired to be sent to the TEACH membership list should be sent through the moderator to ensure appropriateness and maintain the privacy of members.

5) Yearbook Committee:

Responsibilities include:

  • Organize a yearbook staff. This staff should be comprised of students and/or other parents who are willing to work together all year to provide a quality yearbook.

  • Work with a Photographer to coordinate portrait sessions.

  • Attend a variety of activities and field trips to obtain many candid pictures, or receive uploads of pictures to an email from those who did attend.

  • Secure ads

  • Design and distribute a yearbook annually

  • Have a member report or present a written report at the quarterly board meetings.

TEACH Social Media Guidelines

TEACH Co-Ops each have separate groups for members. TEACH Elizabethton members may request to join at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TEACHBLAST/

TEACH Johnson City and general TEACH members may request to join https://www.facebook.com/groups/TEACHJohnsonCity/

These are groups for TEACH members only. This means current members up to date on their yearly organization fee. *If someone you know is interested in joining TEACH, please direct them to the website (https://www.homeschool-life.com/932/) or public Facebook page (https://m.facebook.com/teachjohnsoncity/). Do not add them to the members only groups.

The groups are for members to discuss classes, opportunities, ask questions, provide suggestions and discuss anything related to TEACH.

Please keep posts related to TEACH. Our sister group Tri-Cities Homeschool Playdate and Discussion Group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/allthingstricitiestnhomeschool/) is a great place for all homeschool things not related to TEACH.

No bashing of the organization will be tolerated. It is a privilege to have access to these pages and if you have concerns, please address them with the appropriate committee or representative and not in this group.

No buying, selling or trading is allowed on these pages. These posts will be removed without warning.

No advertising is permitted. These posts will be removed without warning.

TEACH Co-op Guidelines

TEACH operates two weekly co-ops, TEACH Johnson City, meeting on Fridays at North Johnson City Baptist Church, and TEACH Elizabethton, meeting on Mondays at Immanuel Baptist Church in Elizabethton.

TEACH co-ops are grateful for our facility partners, but co-ops are not associated with any particular church. We are a Christian group with a statement of faith and we strive to be guided by biblical principles in our dealings with each other.

We do not follow one particular homeschooling philosophy - we have everything from textbook homeschoolers to unschoolers and everything in between in our co-ops. We have no rules dictating what curriculum or education style must be used.

Participants are required to wear name tags on campus at all times. Families are highly encouraged to drop their name tags in their mailbox at co-op as they leave each week and gather them each morning as they enter the building.

Nursery through 12th grade classes meet 12-14 weeks per semester. Unless arrangements are made with Co-op Directors or Volunteer Coordinator, any family missing more than three co-op classes in one semester will not be eligible to register for the next semester.

TEACH Co-Ops are under the guidance of either one Director or preferably two Co-Directors (or more if desired by the co-op committee and/or Board of Directors). Directors are governed by the Co-op committee and fall under the guidance of the TEACH Board of Directors. The BOD appoints Directors as they see fit and may remove them at their discretion.

Communication: All co-op members are expected to communicate with students, visitors, parents, teachers, and co-op leadership personnel with kindness and respect becoming of a follower of Christ. Name-calling, bullying, yelling, slander, rude gestures, and gossip both in written and verbal forms will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary action and/or dismissal from co-op entirely without reimbursement.

Babywearing policy: We LOVE to support our babywearing mamas. Happy babies with mamas mean happy teachers without crying kiddos! However, we have to make sure our policies are mindful of things like fires and other emergencies. We strongly encourage babies 18 months and older be enrolled in our toddler class if they are able. Younger babies are welcome to be worn by mama to fulfill her volunteer positions or enrolled in our nursery or toddler classes based on the comfort level of mama and baby. We ask that all mamas communicate with us when baby will be attending classes with her. We must ensure that baby is listed on the class roster for the class he or she will be in should we need to locate them during an emergency. Please note any hours you anticipate having baby with you AND the classes you will be in to the Preschool Coordinator and Volunteer Coordinator so we can update rosters appropriately.

Bathroom policy: Our TEACH policy is a rule of three for bathroom visits, meaning that there should always be three people present (including the child) if an adult is present during any bathroom interaction. Please let preschool staff know your bathroom preference at the beginning of each semester.

Breastfeeding policy: TEACH is committed to providing a breastfeeding friendly environment for our enrolled members. Under compliance with Tennessee laws, a mother has the right to breastfeed in any location she and her child are allowed to be and breastfeeding does not constitute indecency, nudity or have any sexual connotation. Please contact leadership immediately if the organization is not in compliance with these laws at anytime. (Laws referenced include: TCA 68-58-101: A mother may breastfeed in any public or private place she is authorized to be and TCA 68-58-102: Breastfeeding shall not be considered public indecency or nudity, obscene, or sexual conduct.) Our co-op nurseries are also open to mamas at any time should they desire a private place for feeding. Should this be a need you anticipate having, please let the volunteer coordinator and preschool coordinator know so that they may ensure coverage for your volunteer position during these times.

Co-Op Leadership Job Descriptions

Co-op Committee guidelines:

Each co-op under TEACH should have a distinct committee which includes Director(s), Facilities Coordinator, Treasurer, Volunteer Coordinator, Safety coordinator, Sector leaders if applicable (preschool coordinator, elementary, etc.) and at least one member at large. This committee must meet at least once per semester and have a committee member report or present a written report at the quarterly board meetings.

Co-Op Director(s)

  • Oversee daily operations of the TEACH co-op which includes determining fees, setting the calendar and class schedule as well as organizing teachers, volunteers, classrooms, and curricula as needed

  • Acquire co-op space- Serve as a liaison between the hosting co-op facility and members- arranging meeting times, cleaning, insurance and liability commitments etc.

  • Ensure that all co-op members are informed of co-op policies and procedures, weekly update items including lunch, schedule changes, etc.

  • Host teacher meeting each semester to ensure teachers are equipped with all the knowledge necessary to facilitate classes.

  • Act as 'go to' for parents when concerns or questions arise around anything related to co-op. Director will defer to TEACH Board of Directors as necessary.

  • Purchase all the supplies needed for co-op to function efficiently. This includes verifying resource room supplies, materials necessary for lunch, building cleaning, etc.

  • Work with schedule coordinator to ensure that adequate classes for each grade level are offered each semester

  • Appoint Facilities Coordinator, Treasurer, Schedule Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator, Lunch coordinator, Safety coordinator and grade-level leaders if desired (preschool coordinator, elementary, etc.)

  • Schedule and facilitate co-op committee meetings at least once per semester. Director may call a meeting at any additional time at their discretion.

Co-Op Volunteer Coordinator

  • Ensure each co-op class is staffed with two adults, not from within the same household, during each class hour every week that co-op meets. This includes creating the volunteer schedule at the beginning of the semester and checking in with each class each week to ensure adequate staffing needs are met.

  • Collect and maintain records of co-op rosters.

  • Serve as the contact for all families to notify when absences will occur.

  • Notify Co-op Director(s) when families have missed more than two weeks of co-op.

Co-Op Lunch Coordinator

  • Schedule weekly lunches with organizations, clubs or activities.

  • Ensure adequate stock of supplies is maintained at all times.

  • Set up lunch buffet line and ensure proper hygiene standards are met by servers

  • Ensure lunch area is left clean, all trash is disposed of, tables are clean, etc.

  • Secure money box from co-op treasurer and ensures adequate change is available for serving organization.

  • Returns money box to treasurer following lunch service.

  • Notify communication/social media team of menu at least one week in advance of service.

Co-Op Treasurer

  • Have charge and custody of and be responsible for all funds and securities of their assigned co-op.

  • Receive and give receipt for monies due and payable to their co-op and deposit such monies in the name of their co-op in such banks, trust companies or other depositories as shall be selected by the Board of Directors.

  • Submit quarterly reports to the TEACH Treasurer at least one week in advance to be submitted to the Board of Directors at quarterly meetings, receive registration and class fees for co-op and allot payments for teachers accordingly.

  • Perform other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him by the Co-op Director, TEACH Treasurer, President or Board of Directors.

Co-Op Nursery/Pre-K, Elementary, Middle School & High School Coordinators

  • Serves on the co-op committee and acts as a liaison between parents of their assigned grade range, the co-op committee and the directors.

  • Parents in this age group can report any concerns or ideas (big or small) that they wish to bring to the group's attention to their appropriate coordinator.

  • Attends committee meetings and is responsible for communicating any necessary information back to parents.

  • They are also there for any questions parents may have regarding co-op and can introduce new parents to the community.

Co-Op Special Needs Coordinator: This position serves as a voice on the co-op committee for families with special needs, including medical issues and allergies.

Responsibilities include:

  • assisting parents with the special needs form

  • reporting necessary information to appropriate teachers and co-op directors

  • serving as a liaison between co-op leadership and families

  • helping children, parents, and teachers create necessary accommodations to meet the needs of all students.

Co-Op Code of Conduct

All co-op attendees are required to adhere to the TEACH Code of Conduct as referenced on page three of the TEACH member handbook.

In addition:

Anyone not registered as a student, teacher or assistant at co-op must sign in at the co-op front desk and receive a name tag. This includes any parent not typically attending co-op, guest speakers for classes, etc.

Learn to type teach to be happy music

Parents and students who are part of a TEACH co-op are expected to meet the requirements of each class as applicable. This includes parent participation when needed and all homework and projects.

High school classes that offer “credit” have stringent guidelines. Students are expected to follow teacher rules and consequences set by teachers will be upheld. If a student does not have the required text by the second class, the student will be removed from the class with no refund given.

We function as a true 'co-op' where all parents are on campus and involved in teaching or assisting in some way. Co-op does not offer a drop-off policy; parents are expected to be on campus whether they are involved in teaching or assisting or have a free hour. If a circumstance arises in which a parent must leave the co-op campus, during their free hour only, they may do so, but are required to sign out at the front desk and ensure front desk staff knows how to reach them should they be needed by their child or child’s instructor before their return. If the child attends co-op for four hours, parents are required to help for three of the hours, if attending three hours, two hours should be spent assisting, etc. Leadership will make every effort to provide the parent their free hour, the free hour is not guaranteed. To function as a true co-op, leadership may request parent help at any time.

Learn To Type Teach To Be Happy Birthday

If a family misses more than three weeks in one semester, they will be moved down the priority list for registration the following semester to register as a new member.

Our co-op relies on full participation from each registered family to function appropriately and these guidelines assist in ensuring that happens each semester.

Co-op Electronic Usage

Inappropriate, offensive, and or vulgar websites, videos, communications, and music are prohibited while on the co-op campus. Personal media equipment and all co-op electronic items (T.V.s, CD/DVD players, computers, etc.) should be used with integrity and only for educational purposes. Appropriateness of content is subjective and as members of co-op, families agree to submit to the discretion of co-op leadership should a discrepancy arise.

Usage of personal media equipment during class is not allowed by students or assistants unless permission is granted from the class teacher.

Any violation of this agreement may result in disciplinary action, including dismissal from all TEACH co-ops.

Building Maintenance guidelines:

All co-op members must clean up after themselves. Please ensure that areas are left clean following lunch and classrooms are left clean.

Storage of items at co-op from semester to semester is prohibited. If there are items that need to stay within the building, please seek the discretion of Co-op Directors.

Co-Op Teacher Guidelines

We do not require all parents to teach, but we do offer an early registration incentive for those that make this extra commitment. Those desiring to teach, should notify the appropriate co-op Director in the semester prior to the one in which they desire to teach.

Teachers are reimbursed for materials utilized by their class. In order to be reimbursed, teachers must fill out a teacher reimbursement form (found in co-op treasury office) and attach the original receipt. Teachers are welcome to utilize any items in the resource room at the co-op in which the class is being taught. Any unused items purchased with co-op funds are to be returned to the resource room for use by other classes.

Should a teacher need to take their class from their assigned space, a note should be left on the door stating where the class can be found.

Teachers should not allow students to leave their classroom prior to five minutes prior to the start of the next class. Additionally, teachers should verify that no student has a concern about finding their next class before allowing them to exit the classroom. Should a student be missing from class or in a class they are not on the roster for, the student should be taken to their correct placement as listed on their name tag. If a teacher needs assistance with this, the volunteer coordinator should be contacted.

Classes are typically offered from Nursery through Grade 12, however you must have a student registered for co-op who is Kindergarten or higher in order to enroll in the Nursery, Toddler or Preschool classes.

If a teacher has more than three absences, they will not be permitted to teach the next semester unless there are extenuating circumstances.

Co-Op Disciplinary Policy

TEACH Co-ops are volunteer-staffed organizations, designed to enrich the lives of both students and teachers. As it is a cooperative, we fully recognize that each and every family has different standards and ways of handling issues, as such, we do not want to overstep as teachers. However, it is important that there are guidelines in place for dealing with the occasional issue as it comes up to ensure a healthy learning environment for all TEACH families.

For minor infractions, or disruptions, the teacher should give the student a verbal warning in class. Often this is enough to correct the behavior and move on with class. If the behavior does not stop, or escalates, the parent will be called to the room to address the behavior. Contact information for each family is found in the roster provided to the teacher at the start of the semester. If the teacher is unable to locate the child’s guardian, the teacher may request assistance from the volunteer coordinator.

If parental intervention is repeatedly necessary, the parent may be asked to attend class with the student (and participate as an engaged assistant for all of the students). If the student is not able to bring the behavior under control with a parent regularly in the room, the student may be asked to no longer attend class. If the issue is occurring in more than one class, the student may be asked to no longer attend co-op.

If the student engages in bullying or any form of verbal abuse (including inappropriate joking), physical touching or fighting, brings a weapon to co-op, engages in theft, or willfully destroys property, the student will be subject to disciplinary action that may include being asked to leave the co-op for the remainder of the semester or indefinitely, involving law enforcement as necessary and/or immediate removal of the student from the campus.

Any item that causes distractions in class can be confiscated by the teacher and returned after class or given to the parent. A third infraction of the same type may result in permanent confiscation.

Teachers are not authorized to correct student behavior through the use of yelling, humiliation, and/or physical punishment of any variety.

Parent support

We try to minister not only to students but to homeschooling parents. Every parent participating in co-op has one hour 'off' and is encouraged to hang out in our 'Parent Room' or take time for themselves. We also offer a 'Homeschooling Support' hour for parents that meets at Johnson City co-op as organized by TEACH’s Care and Concern Committee. Monthly “MomTalk” events and mom’s night outs are also scheduled and listed on the TEACH website calendar.

Field Trips

We encourage members to organize and participate in field trips. When we go out into the world, we not only learn things on our field trips, but it is also a great opportunity for us to be a witness to others – about homeschooling in general, about TEACH, and about Jesus!

ALL field trips must be signed up and paid for two weeks before the event happens. This gives us a chance to get everyone counted for the places we are visiting and checks written or payments made. It also gives us a chance to let the waitlisted families participate if you aren't coming.

PLEASE log on to the website and cancel your sign-up or let the coordinator know if you are going to be unable to attend. Communication is very important to keep things running smoothly.

Every member will be able to view their statement of accounts in their member side of the website. You still sign up and pay with paypal through the website. If you don't pay right away, it will show as money owed in your account and you can pay later (by the deadline, of course).

Checks are no longer an accepted form of payment for field trips. Please utilize the account tab at the top of the home page.

We understand that illness and other things come up last minute, but any family missing three field trips without giving four days notice will be unable to participate until the next semester. Cancellations are allowed, but must be made four days before the event in order to not count against you.

Refunds are not guaranteed, as many trips are paid for by the coordinator a great length of time in advance.

If you are on a waitlist for a trip, please be patient. The coordinators can almost always add more spots and you will be notified via text or email if you are moved from 'waiting list' to 'signed up' so you can pay in a timely manner.

Please look at the calendar events for all the details on each trip. This lists the time you should arrive and anything you need to know about each event or location. Also, make sure you are a member of the TEACH members only Facebook page for last minute updates and to be notified when new trips are posted.

A question we often receive is, “Do I sign my teeny tiny baby up for trips?” This is very specific to each event. If we are going to a theatre and baby will be on your lap you don't have to sign them up usually, however, some theaters require ALL participants to have a ticket, so please read the description of each trip and you will know what to do. Many trips will say 'only sign up people participating' while others will say 'sign up everyone in your party.' Information should all be in the event descriptions.

If you find a super cool place you would like to visit, gather the info and when and who you want to go and send it to the coordinators. They will be more than happy to help you get it set up and on the calendar.

  1. Bylaws
    Amended Spring 2019
    ARTICLE I: Powers
    shall have all of the statutory powers enumerated for non-profit corporations under the laws of the state of Tennessee.
    ARTICLE II: Board of Directors
    Section 1. Governing Authority
    The governing body of shall be known as its Board of Directors and shall have authority to do all things necessary and proper to operate and lead the organization. Additionally, the Board of Directors shall be the final authority in interpreting the Core Beliefs and other TEACH documents.
    Section 2. Qualifications and Composition
    The Board of Directors shall consist of five voting positions. Alternates may also be selected at the discretion of the board.
    Nominees should be active members in good standing with for at least one year (except for the initial board). Each nominee for election to the Board of Directors must affirm, before the current board, at an open meeting, their concurrence with the Core Beliefs of TEACH and profess by testimony their faith in Jesus Christ. They must sign a statement that documents both declarations. They must also have demonstrated a level of social maturity indicative of persons who can serve/lead in a Christ like manner. Following completion of these things and board approval, nominees will be presented to the full membership for a vote.
    Members may run as an individual or husband and wife couple. If running as a couple, the pair will still constitute only one board vote. The board will elect officers (i.e. president, vice president, treasurer and secretary) from among themselves at their first board meeting.
    Section 3. Term of Service
    Each member of the Board of Directors shall be elected for a term of two years commencing with the beginning of the next fiscal year after election (fiscal year is May 1st to April 30th).
    Terms shall be staggered so that the term of two or three members shall expire each year. The initial Board of Directors shall serve out the following terms: three members for a term of two years, and two members for a term of one year, with the commencement of each term to be effective May 1. Alternates are elected annually and will finish out the term (not necessarily position) of the board member should they replace one.
    Section 4. Manner of Election
    The Board of Directors shall choose the manner of election, including, but not limited to, as part of an annual meeting, during co-op, or by any electronic means which are available.
    Section 5. Vacancies and Term Limits
    A vacancy in the Board of Directors caused by death, resignation or removal of a board member shall be filled by the qualified elected alternate to serve the unexpired term of the board member who has vacated their position. If any other vacancy should occur, the board shall elect a new member to finish out the term (not necessarily position) of the board member they replaced. Alternates and new members will be assigned offices by the remaining board members. All officers can serve consecutive terms as long as they are nominated and elected per article II section 4. Should an officer vacate their position after nominations are complete but prior to the April annual meeting, then the board will finish out the fiscal year understaffed.
    Section 6. Delegation of Authority
    The Board of Directors may delegate to one or more of its members or to any of its officers, agents or employees, or to any of its committees such powers and duties in writing as it may deem appropriate and proper. In the absence of such delegation, either generally or specifically, no member of the Board of Directors shall have authority to act for the Board of Directors. Each couple/member of the Board of Directors shall have status coequal with that of each other couple/member, and each couple/member present shall have the right to one vote on any and all questions coming before the Board of Directors.
    Section 7. Any board member may be removed by a majority vote of the entire Board of Directors whenever, in its judgment, the best interests of will be served thereby. Offenses such as revealing information from closed board sessions to non-board members, acting in a way that negatively impacts the reputation of TEACH or any offense the board finds to be serious should instigate removal of a board member from the board and any other TEACH leadership position.
    ARTICLE III: Meetings
    Section I. Quorum
    Majority vote in board meetings is defined as three (3) votes regardless of how many board members are in attendance as long as the board maintains five members.
    Additionally, quorum for any membership meeting, whether annual or called, shall be 25% of the membership.
    Section 2. Regular Meetings
    Regular Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at times and meeting places established by the Board of Directors and shall be held at least quarterly unless a board vote is taken to postpone a meeting within reason. All regular board meetings shall be open to members of . Dates and times shall be posted on the TEACH website.
    Minutes from each meeting shall be published on the website within two (2) weeks of said meeting. Meeting dates, times and locations are subject to change at the discretion of organization President under circumstances outside the board’s control.
    Section 3. Special Meetings
    Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be held upon three days’ notice to board members. The President of the Board of Directors may call such meetings on his own initiative but shall be obliged to call such meetings when requested to do so by at least two other members of the Board of Directors.
    Section 4. Conduct of Meetings
    The President shall moderate all meetings or Vice President in their absence. All meetings should be conducted in an orderly fashion, as determined by the President.
    ARTICLE IV: Officers
    Section 1. Designation
    Each couple on the Board of Directors shall function as a unit with one vote and one office per couple. Board members serving as individuals shall have one vote. The officers of the Board of Directors of shall consist of a President, Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer elected by the Board of Directors each year or as needed.
    Each officer shall hold office until his successor has been duly elected or until his death or he resigns or is removed from office in the manner hereinafter provided.
    Section 2. Removal
    Any officer may be removed from their position by a majority vote of the entire Board of Directors whenever in its judgment the best interests of will be served thereby. For offenses requiring total removal from the board, see Article II Section 7.
    Section 3. President
    The President shall be the principal executive officer of and subject to the control of the Board of Directors, shall in general supervise and lead all of the business affairs of TEACH. The President shall, when present, preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and he/she may sign, with the Secretary or any other proper officer thereunto authorized by the Board of Directors, any deeds, mortgages, bonds, contracts, or other instruments which the Board of Directors has authorized to be executed, except in cases where the signing and execution thereof shall be expressly delegated by the Board of Directors or the bylaws to some other officer or agent of TEACH or shall be required by law to be otherwise signed or executed, and in general shall perform all duties incident to the office of President and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors from time to time.
    Section 4. Vice President
    In absence of the President or in the event of his/her death, inability or refusal to act, the Vice President shall perform all the duties of the president, and when so acting, shall have all the powers and be subject to all the restrictions upon the President. The Vice President shall perform such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him by the President or by the Board of Directors.
    Section 5. Secretary
    The Secretary shall (a) keep the minutes of the proceedings of the Board of Directors, annual meetings and meetings of the membership and maintain files for historical purpose; (b) see that minutes are publicized for membership as dictated in article III section 2, and that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of these by-laws or as required by law; (c) be custodian of records; (d) in general perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him/her by the President or by the Board of Directors; and (e) if leaving office, will provide all records in custody to the next secretary elect.
    Section 6. Treasurer
    The Treasurer shall (a) have charge and custody of and be responsible for all funds and securities of , (b) be able to receive and give receipt for monies due and payable to TEACH and deposit such monies in the name of TEACH in such banks, trust companies or other depositories as shall be selected by the Board of Directors, (c) submit quarterly reports to the Board of Directors, (d) file any tax documents with the state, and (e) in general perform all duties incident to the office of Treasurer and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him by the President or by the Board of Directors.
    The treasurer will be named on all accounts under TEACH (including all co-op, Athletics and any other TEACH accounts). The treasurer should ensure that all accounts under the TEACH umbrella have at least two names listed. All committees under the TEACH umbrella should be able to produce receipts or documentation of any monies they have come in contact with- whether incoming or outgoing- at any time of the Treasurer’s request. Receipts should be turned in to the appropriate treasurer in a timely manner.
    Neither board members nor committee leaders are allowed to accept payment whether cash or check. Payments of any kind must be directed to the appropriate treasurer and always through the website unless circumstances are discussed and approved by the Treasurer in advance.
    ARTICLE V: Committees
    Committees may be established from time to time and appointed by the President of the Board of Directors or by action of the Board of Directors to consider and report on matters assigned at the time of appointment or action. All committees shall be listed in the handbook and accessible to full membership.
    ARTICLE VI Members
    Section 1. Members
    Membership in shall be available to and is restricted to Christian homeschooling families who are educating their own children or those in their guardianship regardless of race or nationality.
    Guest memberships are offered for those who are not actively homeschooling their children but are otherwise involved in the group (such as a guest co-op teacher). Guest members do not have full rights and privileges of membership, they are not counted in the membership numbers, and do not have voting privileges.
    Families are defined as married heterosexual parents/guardians or a single heterosexual parent/guardian, their children and extended family members of the same household. All members and applicants for membership will be accepted upon payment of annual dues and receipt of the Membership Form. This Membership Form must always include the following declarations: 1) a statement confirming their faith in Jesus Christ and their submission to the authority of God's Word, 2) an acknowledgement that they have read the 'Core Beliefs' and will not teach anything at a function that conflicts with these beliefs in any way, and 3) a release from liability.
    Section 2. Rights and Privileges
    Members of shall enjoy all of the rights and privileges of membership in TEACH as established by the Board of Directors and subordinate committees. Members shall be entitled to participate in all activities of TEACH subject to the authority of the Board of Directors.
    Section 3. Duties and Responsibilities
    By submitting an application for membership to , members agree to abide by all standards and policies of TEACH as established by the Board of Directors. Members shall refrain from engaging in any activity that may bring reproach on TEACH or parent-directed education. All TEACH members agree that while at TEACH functions they will not teach nor act against the stated core beliefs.
    Section 4 - Termination of Membership
    Members may terminate membership in at any time with no notification necessary. Membership of any member may be involuntarily terminated by a majority vote of the Board of Directors whenever in its judgment the best interests of TEACH will be served thereby.
    ARTICLE VII Adoption and Amendment of By-Laws, Constitution, and Addendums
    With the exception of Article VIII, which is irrevocable and not subject to amendment, these by-laws shall be adopted and thereafter amended only by a majority vote of the membership. Additionally, The Constitution (including Core Beliefs) shall be adopted and thereafter amended only by a two thirds (2/3) majority vote of the TEACH membership.
    Any proposed changes to the By-Laws or Constitution shall be submitted by members in writing.
    Addendums can be created, deleted, or modified at any time by the board of directors with a majority vote of the board. Modifying or creating addendums can be delegated to a committee, but the board must approve all such actions.
    ARTICLE VIII Dissolution
    In the event that should be dissolved for any reason, then, in that event, all assets of TEACH, if any, shall be transferred to another nonprofit organization. This provision of the by-laws is irrevocable and is not subject to amendment except as necessary to designate the name of the transferee qualifying under the income tax laws of the state.
    ARTICLE IX Director and Officer Indemnification
    The corporation shall indemnify any and all of its officers, members of the Board of Directors, or former officers or members, or any person who may have served at its request or by its election as a member or office of the corporation, against expenses actually and necessarily incurred by them in connection with the defense or settlement of any action, suit or proceeding in which they, or any of them, are made parties, or a party, by reason of being or having been members or officers of the corporation, except in relation to matters as to which any such member or officer or former director or officer or person shall be adjudged in such action, suit or proceeding to be liable for willful misconduct in the performance of duty and to such matters as shall be settled by agreement predicted on the existence of such liability. The indemnification provided hereby shall not be deemed exclusive of any other right to which anyone seeking indemnification hereunder may be entitled under any by-law, agreement, or otherwise, both as to action in his official capacity and as to action in another capacity while holding such office.
    The corporation may purchase and maintain insurance on behalf of any member, officer, agent, employee or former member or officer or other person, against any liability asserted against them and incurred by him to the extent that the corporation would have the power to indemnify him against such liability under the provisions of this Article and the law of the state.



TEACH is a Christian homeschool support group.


The purpose of TEACH is to serve, encourage, and support Christian homeschooling families. This includes families who are anticipating homeschooling, families who are currently homeschooling one or more of their children, and families who may no longer be homeschooling but are still interested in ministering to homeschooling families.

Core Values

As Christian parents:

  • It is our God-given right and privilege to homeschool our children.

  • It is our responsibility to provide excellence in homeschool education.

  • It is our desire for our children to know, love, obey and glorify God.

Core Beliefs

  • We believe that the Holy Scriptures, comprised of the Old and New Testaments, are fully inspired by God and are therefore infallible in the original writings and completely trustworthy in all areas in which they speak. They are therefore the supreme, unmediated, and final authority of faith and practice for every believer. (2 Tim. 3:16-17)

  • We believe there is only one eternal, almighty, and perfect God. Within the Being of this one true God exist three eternally distinct and coequal Persons: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. These three Persons are the one true God. (Mat. 28:19, Eph. 4:4-6, 2 Cor. 13:14)

  • We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory. (John 1:1-4; Matt. 1:23; Phil. 2:5-11; Heb. 1:1-4 & 4:15; Acts 1:11 & 2:22-24; 1 Cor. 15:3-4, Matt. 25:31)

  • We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit whose indwelling enables the Christian to live a godly life. (Gal. 5:16-18; Rom. 8:9)

  • We believe human beings were created in the image of God yet through the fall of Adam that image of God in humanity has been defiled, although not eradicated. Every human being is estranged from God because of their descent into sin. The desperate need of humanity is forgiveness of sins and consequent restoration of fellowship with God; yet humans remain totally unable to atone for and restore themselves. (Rom.3:22-24, Rom. 6:23)

  • We believe Jesus’ death on the cross provided penal substitutionary atonement for the sins of humanity. In salvation we are rescued from God’s wrath by His unmerited grace through faith in Christ. (2 Cor. 5:21, Eph. 2:8-10)

  • We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; the saved unto the resurrection of eternal life and the lost unto the resurrection of damnation and eternal punishment. (Rev 20:11-15; 1 Cor. 15:51-57)

  • We believe the Christian church, which is the body and bride of Christ, is composed of all persons who through saving faith in Jesus Christ have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit. Corporately and individually, its members strive to worship, serve, and glorify God through prayer and praise, diligent study and application of the Scriptures, evangelism, sanctified living, good works, and observance of the rites of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. The ultimate mission of the church is the discipleship of all nations – not only the sharing of the salvation message (which is primary), but also bringing the gospel to bear on every aspect of life and thought – until the Lord returns. (Gal. 3:28, I Peter 2:5, II Peter 2:5-8, I Cor. 11:23, Matt. 28:19-20, Rom. 12:1-2)

We believe that some groups call themselves Christians but would interpret the above core belief statements in a manner contrary to essential Christian theology we hold to be true. Therefore members of groups such as Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Unitarian Universalists and Christian Scientists are not eligible for TEACH membership. For dealing with issues of this type, TEACH members may refer to the Christian Research Institute, located on the web at www.equip.org or Catholic Answers, located on the web at www.catholic.com.

From Discovery Channel

Our Good family'I am really impressed with how the lessons are laid out. The language is simple and easy to understand AND explain to your child. For me, it was helpful to read through the entire Reading Lesson Book first so I knew what was coming after each lesson.”

“The method used in the book is sound and proven. The program is easy to understand and implement in your daily homeschool. The program is not colorful or distracting. The words are clear on the page and easy to focus on for young children.'

The Activity Mom“What I love about The Reading Lesson:

  1. It is easy for parents to understand and implement.
  2. This step by step program makes it predictable for young readers or struggling readers which
  3. helps them to feel successful.
  4. There are no rules about how fast to go or how many pages to cover. You move ahead when
  5. your child is ready (all of those guidelines are included in the book)
  6. The lessons are short and direct”

Here We are Together

'This book is the best reading program I have ever come across. We have looked at so many different ways to teach reading to little ones and I have never come across such an intuitive and fun approach before.”

Hip Homeschool Moms

“We’ve looked at and tried many different reading programs that just never seemed to work for our boys. This one, by far, has been the easiest and best one we’ve ever used.”

“I like The Reading Lesson book because it walks you through teaching your kids the letter sounds and how to make them into words. I’ve tried a book very similar to this one but this one is actually made for the kids to sit with you and try to read. I mean the other one was too, but what I love about The Reading lesson is the size of the words and the pictures.”

Our Village is a Little Different'The Reading Lesson is a very easy method that has had a lot of success. It takes a couple of weeks to complete a lesson, but after 20 lessons, children will be able to sound out their words, develop reading confidence, and even enjoy reading!”

Hall of Fame Moms“I am so happy with where The Reading Lesson has taken Kylie in her journey to reading, we are both very excited to keep on working through the lessons!”

Lollipops and Ladybugs'I am so impressed with this program. As I said in the beginning there was a lot of frustration with trying to teach her to read. This is an A+ Program and I highly recommend it.'

Hip Homeschool Moms'I’m happy to report that The Reading Lesson delivered results for us! Not only were we able to get past the first few lessons without tears and complaints, we reached that “lightbulb” moment when my daughter began to understand HOW to read — not just memorize — and could sound out words on her own in any environment.'

Learn To Type Teach To Be Happy Hour

Hip Homeschool Moms“Compared to other similar phonics programs on the market that we've have experienced, I really like the layout, ease, and its' concentration with only reading (decoding) while going through each lesson. ”

5 Minutes for Mom

“I believe The Reading Lesson would be a great program to use for homeschooling. It would also be great to use for those parents who have a young children showing an interest in learning to read but aren’t sure where to start.”

The Better Mom

'Just when you feel like it is never going to work, it seems as if the skies open up and your child is a reading machine! I spent the last few months going through The Reading Lesson with my son Noah, and we love it! It is very simple to follow, not too overwhelming, and it works!”

Learn To Type Teach To Be Happy Wishes

The Natural Homeschool

Learn To Type Teach To Be Happy Music

'You might be surprised that I am using it with my 3.5-year old daughter, but she really is ready and, even if we take a slower pace, she is loving it and I am seeing results.'

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