El Campopuerto Rican Genealogy

El Campopuerto Rican GenealogyCampopuertoEl Campopuerto Rican Genealogy

  • Puerto Rican Genealogy. Home Surnames Ancestry Records Puerto Rican DNA Nicknames explained About Who's Who Genealogy Research. El Campo 7/28/2016 0 Comments.
  • Below is a list and description of the most recent genealogy records for Central American countries (see list of most recent records for other countries). Many of these records can be searched using our free Genealogy Search Engine. Honduras – FamilySearch.org has indexed an additional 179,000 civil registration records from Honduras.

Secciones:De tiendas:Otros:

CD/Censos de Puerto Rico
Los Canarios en América
José A. Pérez Carrión
1868 : La Guerra después
de la guerra
Fernando Picó S.J.
Puerto Rico Mío:
Four Decades of Change
Famosa colección
fotos inicios siglo pasado
La esclavitud blanca: Contribución a la historia del inmigrante canario
en América, siglo XIX
Voces de la Cultura
Sobre 300 páginas con
mapas antiguos, fotos,
carteles, pinturas,
documentos, entrevistas, postales, etc.
History of Puerto Rico:
A Panorama Of It's People
Fernando Picó
Puerto Rico: An Interpretive
History from
Precolumbia Times to 1900
Dra. Olga Jimenez
Al filo del poder: subalternos
y dominantes en Puerto Rico
Jibaro Hasta el Hueso: Mountain Music of Puerto Rico
Diccionario biografico de corsos en Puerto Rico
Enrique Vivoni, Lorenzo Dragoni
Puerto Rico Remembered
Dr. Fernando Picó S.J.
La Formación del Pueblo
La Contribución de los
Vascongados, Navarros
y Aragoneses
Estela Cifre de Loubriel
La formación del pueblo
La contribución de los
Catalanes, Balearicos y Valencianos
Estela Cifre de Loubriel
Inmigracion y clases sociales
en el Puerto Rico del siglo XIX
Ediciones Huracán
Francisco Scarano
Puerto Rico Then and Now
Jorge Rigau

By Frank Lago
(c) CopyRight - Prohibido copiar, reproducir

More articles by Frank Lago:
Mi búsqueda de las familias Lago y Echeandía en el país vasco
Frank Lago y el encuentro genealógico con sus antepasados

El Registro de la Propiedad en Puerto Rico
y family history research started when I discovered a book while taking my son to the Boy Scout's store called Genealogy.I never expected that anyone could research their family tree. When the mini-series ROOTS was viewed on TV it caused all of us to wake up to the fact that every family has a history. All American families immigrated to this country except for the Native Americans that were already here and they too have a family history. I say that we should not forget those ancestors that have suffered for us to be here and have a better life. Our island of Puerto Rico is a microcosm of the United States.
We are a race of mainly white Spaniards, brown Taíno Indians that were already there and Black slaves that were kidnapped and brought from Africa. Most of us are of mixed blood but in different percentages.

Frank Lago and son

Our first step is to interview our oldest relatives and record all of the information and then verify it. I started without knowing the names of my grandparents. I knew them only as Abuelo and Abuela. I am not fluent in Spanish, my language skills is more like Spanglish, so when I called on the phone to Puerto Rico to talk with my relatives I was reluctant but my perseverance paid off. First I interviewed my father and uncle. My Uncle Ralph said that his mother's last name was Santiago Delgado where later I found out her last name was Santiago Santiago.
There is nothing easy in genealogy research, you will be rewarded if you do your homework and investigation. Jump over all obstacles especially people that can cause you to lose your way.

Uncle Ralph Lago and Frank
They will say that your Spanish is not good enough or that your relatives will not welcome your questions etc. I have found the contrary. People love to talk about themselves and their ancestors and welcome anyone interested in their story and if you are family the enthusiasm is even stronger.
The book Genealogy talked about the LDS church also known as the Mormon Church. They have built Family History Libraries (Centers) in their Churches in which anyone could rent microfilms of all subjects that have to do with researching family history and which was recorded all over the world. This is their web site to get a better understanding. They have records of most of the Roman Catholic Chruches in Puerto Rico which would be the books of Baptism, Matrimony and Death and the Registro Demográfico which is where the vital records are recorded since 1885; they have birth, marriage and death records. Included are microfilms of the Index of the same.

Artesano de Villalba,
Héctor Jorge Lago y Lago

Order microfilm and books that are specific about the cities that your ancestors lived in. The families and people that lived there are represented in these books and microfilms. The LDS church has lots of information about the pueblos, municipalities and cities of Puerto Rico. I was interested in Arecibo and Utuado and I came upon the microfilms of the private library of Father Fernando Picó S.J.: Extractos de protocolos notariales, siglos XVIII-XIX / Vecinos de Utuado, apellidos Ibáñez a Martínez, María FHL INTL Film number 1563105. There was a treasure trove of the Lago family history. Was I lucky? After receiving basic city information from interviews; I would like to think that it was skill on my part because I researched a town that I was unfamiliar with but discovered that my ancestors lived there for generations. Think outside of the box. You are the researcher. Send requests to the town historians and city hall.

The Registro Demográfico is where the vital records are kept from 1885. They are birth, marriage and death records. We have to request a genealogical permission so that we can request records for this sole purpose. After receiving the permission we then request the records in which we have to include a photo copy of our drivers license, a self stamped envelope and the cost made with a Postal Money Order:
Registro Demográfico
P.O. Box 11854 / Fernández Juncos Station
San Juan, PR 00910

This is an example of a Vital Record available through the Registro Demográfico of Puerto Rico, microfilmed by the LDS Church and available online. This death record is of my great grandfatherFrancisco Gerónimo Lago..

As of now January 2014 most parish books in Puerto Rico are off limits to browsing from researchers like ourselves. Therefore if the LDS church does not have the records that you are looking for you will have to request them directly from the Parish offering a donation along with the certification, literal copy or photocopy cost. It should be $5 for the certification and $25 or $30 for the donation to the church per request. Further information.
I have connected with cousins that I didn't know existed and were already researching my family tree. I interviewed my cousin Iván in Ponce since there was an oral history that there was a poet of notable origin in our family. Iván said his last name was Echeandía y Echegaray. So when I joined the SPG (Sociedad Puertorriqueña de Genealogía) I found an article written about the same last names. And in communicating with the author he was the one that correctly gave the name of the poet, Jesús María Lago, my great grandfather's brother. Is this important? Yes and no. If your looking for blue blood, forget about it because those relatives that suffered for you are the most important finds. In this case biographies were written about this person. When it got to his Spanish grandfather the author during his interviews could not determine the town of origin only the province, Asturias in Spain. So how did I jump the ocean?.

Ramón Rivera Bermúdez, genealogist

Only due to old fashion detective work that my cousin José Echegaray (a member of the SPG) had done during his vacations while researching the parish books of the Roman Catholic Cathedral of San Felipe de Arecibo. He came upon the church marriage record of Francisco Lago that stated that he was born in the town of Ribadesella, Asturias, Spain. So don't despair try new ideas and network with other researchers.
I recommend joining the following genealogy societies: HSGNY / Hispanic Society of Genealogy of New York and the SPG / Sociedad Puertorriqueña de Genealogía.
The following is an excellent member site that is very helpful: Searching for our Roots.
We are at the web site of Puerto Rico En Breve.

Photo: Ana Violeta Cianchini, Frank Lago and Ramón Rivera Bermúdez outside of their house in Aibonito

But let me tell you that I have found various branches of my family tree here through the existence of these documents that have never been known to any of my family members.
The following: https://en.geneanet.org/ is great for searching other peoples family trees which sometimes are very extensive. I have paid for the yearly use of searching for individuals and surnames but here also you can choice a country like Puerto Rico and then type in a place like Ponce and everyone that has family trees in Ponce (at Geneanet) will show up which of today is 985 family trees.
I will include Ancestry.com. This member web site is searchable by name or surname and they include census records and passports. It is available also in libraries and online library web sites.
Make it a priority to become a member of these groups because the benefits are well worth it. You are requesting information from persons that have done their due diligence. They need to be compensated to continue to offer their services.

My grandfather José María and brother Carlos Lago y Lago in Venezuela. circa 1940.

I have found treasures of information from the Yahoo genealogy groups and have posted questions and have been answered by very dedicated volunteers. I recommend the following: Sociedad de Genealogía Puertorriqueña.
I myself have joined the following groups from Spain:
- Asturias,
- Madrid and
- Galicia.

Calle Jesús María Lago, sector Cayuco, barrio Caguana, Utuado, P.R.

It was within one of these groups that I was introduced to the web site in which I was able to find a strategic connection that otherwise paralyzed my research.
I, as a New Yorker wanted to research my relatives in the Daily News and New York Post but was only able to find the New York Times Archives online.
Photo: My father Frank G. Lago.

The Probate Records at the Department of Justice / Property Registry is a treasure trove of family history. Once you find in the Census records that some one is a farm owner 'dueño de finca' which means that he is a property owner then you can research for this property in the index which is listed by surname for that town.
For the most part anything that is less than 100 years old is considered off limits for general research purposes. These books can be reviewed by yourself or some researcher that you contract. My article sheds light on this subject:
Property and Probate Records (El Registro de la Propiedad en Puerto Rico). The offices are scattered across the island and towns are combined together in one office in most cases.

Panteón of the family Santiago in Coamo

The United States Census: of 1910, 1920, 1930 and 1940 include Puerto Rico. This is where we find our parents and grandparents etc. The following web site clarifies the subject:
Each local library has different interlibrary loan request forms. Not all libraries offer this benefit. Ask a librarian if the clerk is not aware of this type of loan. An interlibrary loan book will arrive in about a month due to its departure from across the nation. The cost may be $5 and they might not let you remove the book from the library. You may copy what you need or 10% of its contents legally. Also you need to include in the form that you are willing to pay up to $20 for this particular book though its rare that they charge after the initial cost of the loan. In researching books the following web site is one of the best. And next is specific to Puerto Rico:
- Archivo Histórico Nacional, Sección de Ultramar, bajo la dirección de María Teresa de la Peña Marazuela, Madrid 1972
- Inventario de la serie Gobierno de Puerto Rico
- Inventario de la serie Fomento de Puerto Rico
- Inventario de la serie Gracia y Justicia de Puerto Rico
- Inventario de la serie Hacienda de Puerto Rico
- Inventario de la serie Oficios de Guerra de Puerto Rico

- Palo Seco: Notas para su historia
- Santa Isabel: Notas para su historia
- Villalba: Notas para su historia

- Arecibo: Notas para su historia
- Coamo: Notas para su historia, etc.
- Sabana Grande: Notas para su historia
For further information into this book collection.

Author: Estela Cifre de Loubriel
- Catálogo de extranjeros residentes en Puerto Rico en el siglo XIX - 1962
- La Formacion del pueblo puertorriqueño: La contribución de los Catalanes, Balearicos y Valencianos.
- La formación del pueblo puertorriqueño: La contribución de los gallegos, asturianos y santanderinos.
- La formación del pueblo puertorriqueño: La contribución de los Vascongados, Navarros
y Aragoneses.
- La formación del pueblo puertorriqueño: La contribución de los isleño-canarios.
- La inmigración a Puerto Rico durante el Siglo XIX

Author: Sonesson, Birgit
- Catalanes en las Antillas: un estudio de casos.
- Catalan migration to Puerto Rico in the nineteenth century: the links to Sitges and Vilanova y Geltru.
- Vascos en la diáspora: la emigración de La Guaira a Puerto Rico, 1799-1830.
Author Rosario Rivera, Raquel
- Los emigrantes llegados a Puerto Rico procedentes de Venezuela entre 1810-1848.
I have contracted the following researchers to help in finding my ancestors in Spain. They request to be paid a reasonable rate for their expertise. They are professionals and I can verify their competency. The success I had in using their talents is priceless:
Madrid, Spain: Genealogist, researcher: Fernando González Campo del Román.
Madrid, Spain: Archivist and researcher: Matthew Hovious: Researched for 'Who do you think you are' Martin Sheen.
Asturias, Spain: Archivist and researcher: José del Riego.
Galicia, Spain: Archivist, author and researcher: Xosé Isidro Fernández Villalba: (cmdlourenza@hotmail.com).
Thank you for reading my article. I hope it has been an inspiration and for further questions I can be reached at:

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Libros : Genealogía y Heráldica
Censos de Puerto Rico: 1910, 1920, 1930

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Civil registration in Puerto Rico began in 1885. Prior to that, registrations of vital events were kept by the Catholic Church, which was the predominant religion. This collection includes registrations of births, marriages, and deaths in Puerto Rico, which at the start of civil registration was a colony of Spain and after the Spanish-American.


El Campopuerto Rican Genealogy Sites

Seven new additions to The Library - Please click on the thumbnail to be taken to the book then hit your backspace key to return here.

Don't forget to glance through the other treasures listed here afterward.

Book CoverTitle, Author and Jacket Description

'Bartolomé de Las Casas: A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies'
'Translated by Nigel Griffin with an Introduction by Anthony Pagden'
'Bartolome de Las Casas was the first and fiercest critic of Spanish colonialism in the New World.'
'In 1542, after years of witnessing Indian suffering and slavery - and the failure of his own attempts to create a humane settlement - Las Casas wrote 'A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies'.'Las Casas' 'Short Account' was dedicated to Prince Philip of Spain and appeared in published form in 1552.'

'Buena Vista: Life and Work in a Puerto Rican Hacienda, 1833-1904'
Winner of the 1992 Elsa Goveia Prize, Association of Caribbean Historians
Author: Guillermo A. Baralt
'This book traces the history of Buena Vista, an estate located in the southern foothills of Puerto Rico's central mountain range. Now a popular living history museum, Buena Vista flourished in the nineteenth century...'
'...Richly illustrated and written in a lively narrative style, 'Buena Vista' paints a compelling portrait of an era, an island, a family, and an estate, bringing a period in Caribbean history to vivid life.'

El campesinado en Puerto Rico a fines del siglo XIX y principios del XX: El Caso de Toa Alta 1894 - 1910
Author: Jorge Seda Prado
(The following is an abridged translation by me and may not accurately reflect the jacket description)
...Jorge Seda Prado details with particular livelihood and profound analysis the dynamics that permitted a town of 'estancieros' and cattle ranches to evolve within an economic regimen that often times penalized, monetarily, the 'terrateniente'.
Also has a chapter dedicated to 'estancieros' and their descendants.

Con Valor y a Como dé Lugar - Memorias de una jíbara puertorriqueña
Author: Carmen Luisa Justiniano
The following is a personal review and not a jacket description.
Get this one, please. It is the account of her life as a child and young woman in the deep rural areas of Puerto Rico during the 1920's and 1930's. Very few books of this type have been written and as Mr. Fernando Pico, the individual who wrote the prologue in this book says, as far as he knows only two other females have written biographical data but, they came from hacendada families.
I've only gotten to page 63 of this 538 page book... UPDATE... I've finished it! When Mrs. Justiniano wrote of her life as a child, I felt the child; when she wrote of her life as a young lady, I felt the young lady. What a great book. Extremely insightful into how rural ancestors may have lived day-to-day and particularly as seen through the eyes of a child and, more importantly, a woman.

Esclavos, prófugos y cimarrones: Puerto Rico, 1770 -1870
Author: Benjamin Nistal-Moret
(The following is an abridged translation by me and may not accurately reflect the jacket description)
Esclavos, prófugos and cimarrones: expands and tests the authors hypothesis: that slaves were considered political criminals because they protested the organization and the forced regimentation of slavery.
The book is comprised of a multitude of transcribed documents giving a snapshot of the treatment and a sense of the slave as a possesion owned by the hacendados.

A Family Plantation - The History of the Puerto Rican Hacienda 'La Enriqueta'
Author: C.T. Overman
Mr. Overman, a direct descendant of the family who owned this plantation, has written what the Academia Puertorriqueña de la Historia considers to be valuable material on the immigration policy and the merchants who came from Germany and St. Thomas.
The Overman and Lind families, in Guayama, are the focus of this story.
(Covers a time period in Puerto Rico from 1830 to 1918.)

La formación del pueblo puertorriqueño: La contribución de los Catalanes, Baleraricos y Valencianos
Author: Estela Cifre de Loubriel
Hundreds of archives were examined regarding immigration to Puerto Rico during the 19th century. These archives produced important data on individuals such as origen, age, marital status, careers, etc. The book lists these individuals who left a seed and whose descendants still carry the names on Puerto Rican soil. (485 pages)

La formación del pueblo puertorriqueño: La contribución de los Isleño-Canarios
Author: Estela Cifre de Loubriel
See above - this book focuses on those that came from the Canary Islands. Another important contribution to the genealogical community. (498 pages)

La formación del pueblo puertorriqueño: La contribución de los Vascongados, Navarros y Aragoneses
Author: Estela Cifre de Loubriel
See above - this book focuses on those that came from the northeastern part of Spain. (339 pages).

'The Four Voyages of Columbus'
Edited by Cecil Jane
'...This remarkable work contains eight authentic contemporary documents. These accounts, nearly five centuries old, include four letters by Columbus (three written to Ferdinand and Isabella and one seeking help from the nurse to the heir of the Spanish throne)...'
'...Reprinted in the original Spanish, with full English translations on facing pages...'.
'...these rare documents bring the voyages vividly to life, recounting the discovery and exploration of Cuba, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, Martinique, Jamaica, Trinidad and other Caribbean islands.'
Genealogias y Crónicas del Siglo XIX
Author: Carlos Encarnación Navarro
This one is going to be extremely difficult to describe. I was told about this book by someone who was researching thearea I was; primarily the Rio Grande area. It's been a find like no other and my fellow researcher has turned out to be a relative!
Mr. Encarnación took the various available sources (eg., Archdiocese and Archive records) and in wonderful precise detail unfolds some ofthe families in the town of Loiza which at that time, the 1800's, was comprised of the following municipalities - Loiza Aldea,Canóvanas, Carolina [known at the time as Miguel de Trujillo], Rio Grande and two 'barrios' in Luquillo. Some of the families: The Quiñones', Ortiz de la Renta, Cachola, Correa, Monge just to name a few.
Anyone who is interested in obtaining this book? Just drop me an email and I'll let you know how to get in touch with the writer.
El Gibaro
Author: Manuel A. Alonso
(The following is an abridged translation by me and may not accurately reflect the jacket description)
'Manuel A. Alonso was born in San Juan in 1822. He published El Gibaro in 1849, the book in which he brings together prose and poems which appeared in various other works. Alonso was inspired by love and patriotism, love for his country, Puerto Rico.'
Personal Note: It is a lovely book with various works on life on the island.

Haciendas Barracones: Azucar y Esclavitud en Ponce, Puerto Rico 1800 ~ 1850
Author: Francisco A. Scarano
(The following is an abridged translation by me and may not reflect accurately the jacket description)
The sugar plantations, operated by african slaves, reached maximum peak in Puerto Rico during the first half of the 19th century. Haciendas y barrracones exposes the results of an exhaustive investigation regarding the topic, giving a detailed analysis of the origins and the evolvement in the region of Ponce, center of the sugar production par excellence...
The english version of Haciendas y barracones received the prestigious Elsa Goveia Award in 1985.

La Herencia Linguistica de Canarias en Puerto Rico
Author: Manuel Alvarez Nazario
A historical study on the dialect brought to Puerto Rico by the immigrants of the Canary Islands.

Héroes de Gloria Minima
Author: Sergio Gelpi
(The following is an abridged translation by me and may not reflect accurately the jacket description)
Héroes de Gloria Minima is a retelling by its author of days gone by and of the good people that he knew as a child back in early 1900.
A book about an era in which a town, a valley, a river and its people are remembered. The town, Peñuelas, its valley, Tallaboa; its river, El Guayanés.
To save all of those memories from death and as a humble tribute of affection and recognition of those individuals and the town, nothing is more appropriate than this book.

Historia Geografica, Civil y Natural de la Isla de San Juan Bautista de Puerto Rico
Author: Fray Agustin Iñigo Abbad y Lasierra
Preliminary Study by Isabel Gutierrez del Arroyo
Published initially in Madrid in 1788, this work (a third edition: 1970 - reprinted in 1979) 'can be considered as the impulse, stimulating and vigorous, of all early Puerto Rican history.'

Personal Note: There isn't enough I could say about this book if you are interested in the early history of Puerto Rico. All I can say is that it is a must in your library.

Lealtad y Nacionalidad: Catálogo de catalanes, valencianos y baleares residentes in Puerto Rico tras el cambio de soberanía de 1898
Author: Tomás Sarramía
(The following is an abridged translation by me and may not accurately reflect the jacket description)
As stipulated in the 1898 Treaty of Paris, specifically Article IX, the spanish residents in Puerto Rico saw themselves having to make a decision. To which of two countries should they vow fidelity: the one of origen or to the new government.
The book 'Lealtad' lists some of those spaniards that came from Cataluña, Valencia and Baleares, with their respective decisions. The book lists full name, age, the originating town in Spain, and the names of theindividual's parents, spouse and children. (272 pages)

Legislacion Municipal Puertorriqueña del Siglo XVIII
Author: Dra. Aída R. Caro Costas
Transcription of some of the municipal ordinances of the City of San Juan Bautista (years 1620 and 1768) and the Villa of San German (year 1735) of Puerto Rico. (67 pages)

'Los puertorriqueños: mentalidad y actitudes - Siglo XVIII'
Author: Ángel López Cantos
(The following is an abridged translation by me and may not reflect accurately the jacket description)
A study about the collective psyche of the inhabitants of the island of Puerto Rico in the 18th century. The author, by means of this investigative work offers, for the first time, a vision into the spiritual, material and daily life of the Puerto Ricans of the 18th century.

'Mi tío, Miguel Enríquez'
Author: Ángel López Cantos
The following is a personal review and not a jacket cover description.
Travel back in time and see what it may have been like in Puerto Rico in the late 1600 through mid-1700's. Mr. Lopez has used the materials found in the archives and built around these facts a novel on the life of Miguel Enriquez, a very prominent individual who went from rags to riches and then back. The book's purpose: to clear his name for future generations. A great book - highly recommended.
You get a 'picture' for the Spanish spoken in the era, the manner in which time was described and life in general of the affluent and the not so affluent.

This book is in Spanish.

Orígenes y fundación de Ponce y otras noticias relativas a su desarrollo urbano demográfico y cultural (siglos XVI - XIX)
Author: Francisco Lluch Mora
(The following is an abridged translation by me and may not reflect accurately the jacket description)
With fine sensibility and deep penetration that is characteristic of Lluch Mora's essays, in Orígenes y fundación de Ponce, he offers a wide cultural foundation whereby a recreation and a revision of myths are examined relating to the 'Perla del Sur'. This work is a must for all those who truly wish to delve into the diversity that enriches our cultural composition. (169 pages)

Pioneros: Puerto Ricans in New York City, 1896-1948
Authors: Félix V. Matos-Rodríguez and Pedro Juan Hernández
'...Through hundreds of images of the 'pioneers' --those Puerto Rican migrants who established themselves in New York City between the 1890s and the end of World War II--we capture a glimpse of their daily lives and of their individual and collective stories.'

Los Registros Parroquiales y la Microhistoria Demográfica en Puerto Rico
Author: Mario A. Rodríguez León, O.P.
Personal Note: To anyone seriously considering the research of their ancestors, this book is a must in assisting you with said research.

'Salinas: de Sal y AzúcarSu Historia: 1508-1950'
Author: Ligia Vázquez Bernard de Rodríguez
(The following is my personal review of this book.)
This book was a gift from a friend and what a special gift.
Whether Salinas is a town of special interest to you or not this piece would be a worthwhile addition to your historical/genealogical library.
The author, a Salinense, delves into the history of this town from 1508-1950 providing the reader with over 100 illustrations, lists of terratenientes (landowners), storeowners, prominent families et.al.

Author: Abelardo Díaz Alfaro
Personal review:
A compilation of short stories from this great writer. I could never accurately describe Mr. Díaz' talent in putting emotions, creating stories and putting them from one's soul to paper. A true literary gem, a genious and he was ours. (128 pages)

Worker in the Cane: A Puerto Rican Life History
Author: Sidney W. Mintz
'Autobiography and commentaries together constitute a rare and rich source from which to gather an understanding of modern rural Puerto Rico, its culture and its dynamics....A brilliant speciman of what social anthropology calls the personal document.'
'...This is the absorbing story of Don Taso, a Puerto Rican sugarcane worker, and of his family and the village in which he lives. Told in his own words, it is a vivid account of the drastic changes taking place in Puerto Rico, as he sees them.'
'...Don Taso portrays his harsh childhood, his courtship and early marriage, his grim struggle to provide for his family.'
More To Come
Books of special interest to enhance our genealogical searches and to understand, feel and see how our ancestors may have lived.

Copyright © October 2001, Dalia Morales
Revised: October 20, 2003
URL:Puerto Rico: My Ancestors and Their Descendants

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