The 7 Rules of Personal Success. You know what personal success means to you, but don’t know how to get started? Follow these rules to start on the right foot and forge your own path. Read more The 7 Point Checklist For Personal Success. Personal success is the most important kind of success. You need to be able to answer the following question: What does success mean to you? Below you’ll find forty phrases–or success statements–that you can mix and match to create your own, unique definition of success. Making the world a better place. The attainment of wealth, awards, status, and power. Sometimes your most notable achievements, like becoming an executive or finally making a considerable profit on a startup business, are the easiest to focus on. However, you may also define success as short-term wins, like reaching daily, weekly and monthly goals.
- “Lots” of money
- A jet-setting lifestyle
- A great relationship
- Achieving a particular status within a career
'To me, success means creating a business that empowers customers, employees, and community in equal measure. We want to add positive value to people's lives, from a personal and professional. The truth is this: You have enough to offer. You are the expert at what you do, and what you do has value. Check out this week’s podcast to hear more of Laura’s inspiring story, how she overcame her limiting beliefs, and how she saw success in her journey of personal growth.
The problem is, none of these things are easy (or even possible) to achieve. How much money is “lots”? What counts as a “great” relationship? If you chase vague definitions of success, you’re never going to be satisfied.
Plus, you might well achieve “success” in the eyes of the world … only to find that it seems hollow and empty to you.
Don’t Follow Someone Else’s Idea of “Success”
We’ve all got different values and motivations. Some people are content to work in a tedious job because it carries a good paycheck. Others would prefer to work at something creative and fulfilling (even though that means living on ramen noodles). Neither path is objectively “right” – they could each be perfect for different individuals.
It’s up to you to decide what success means in your life. Don’t get stuck following someone else’s path. For you, success could be:

- Never having to worry about money (note: this isn’t necessarily the same as “being rich”!)
- Being healthy and fit
- Playing a vital role within your family (whether that’s as a parent, sibling or child)
- Going back to college and getting a degree
- Downsizing to a home in a rural area
- Writing a book and having it published
… or almost anything!

Success doesn’t have to be about money or status.
Be Specific About Your Goals
When you’re deciding on your personal definition of success, make it as concrete as possible. If you simply want to “be rich” then you’ll struggle to ever feel like you’ve managed it. A better goal might be “make $100,000/year”.
Your success should be measurable. You might not be able to put a number to it, but look for some way to record your progress towards your goal. For instance, if your “success” means “being happy and content with my life” then you might want to journal about your thoughts and emotions regularly.
Be clear about what success means, and set specific targets to reach.
See Failure as a Step on the Path
You might be familiar with this Thomas Edison quote:
“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
Often, failure is just part of the path to success. If you’re starting up your first business, you might fail: that’s nothing to be ashamed of. Your early failures pave the way to later success. Think back to being a child – you failed constantly while learning to walk, to talk, to read, to write… but those failures were necessary in order for you to finally succeed.
What Does Success Mean To You Essay
Failure is something you do, not something you are. Sure, you might fail – again and again – before you do succeed. But isn’t that better than never even trying?
What Does Success Mean To You Quotes
What’s your personal definition of “success”? Share it with us in the comments below.
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