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Sims 2 Hacks Mac Free
Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about The Sims™ 2: Super Collection. Download The Sims™ 2: Super Collection for macOS 10.12.6 or later and enjoy it on your Mac. This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for The Sims 2: Pets for Macintosh.If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction. Hack Detector: Clean Installer (As Clean Installer has not been updated since approx. 2005, it will not detect all hacks, but can help). Hack and Duplicate Scanner: DJS Sims (This program will no longer be updated or supported) Aging and Time. Hacks and hacked objects relating to the aging of sims, life stages, and time on the lot. This is first vid.i tought i would show you some sims 2 cheats and i think you brobably know some of these cheats.im sorry if you dont like the songs you can just mute it if you want please dont.

This content is focused on items and hacks relating to jobs, careers, finances, business (including Open for Business-specific or useful items) and money.
Open for Business
- For community objects buyable on residential lots, or residential objects buyable on community lots, please see: Hacks and Hacked Objects: Building, Buying, and Lots.
- Anti Business Decay: JM Pescado at MATY
- Automatic Open Sign: Inge Jones at SimLogical
- Bladderfull Fountain (Increases all sims bladder except current selectable sim/family): Inge Jones at SimLogical (useful with Inge's pay toilet)
- Business Macros (Business Controls You!): JM Pescado at MATY
- Crafting - Craft Cheaper: anger_management at MTS2
- Crafting - Craft Objects from OfB Buyable: Windkeeper at MTS2
- Crafting - Craftable Objects Supplier (Buyable): Monique at MTS2
- Crafting - Flowers Buyable: Lucas at AussieTopenders
- Customer Generator: Inge Jones at SimLogical
- Customer Limit Adjuster: Paladin at SimWardrobe
- Custom Objects Placeable on Open for Business Shelves: By a hack - Numenor at MTS2 or by a batch fix (better - recommended) - Instructions by Numenor at MTS2
- Employee Only Coffee Maker: Paladin at SimWardrobe
- Employees - Car Restoration Controller (Assign employees to repair the restorable car): Paladin at SimWardrobe
- Employees - Digging Controller (Assign employees to dig): Paladin at SimWardrobe
- Employees - Fairly Paid Regulator: Monique at MTS2
- Employees - Fishing Controller (Assign employees to fish): Paladin at SimWardrobe
- Employees - Gardening Controller (Assign employees to garden): Paladin at SimWardrobe
- Employees - Maintenence Controller (Assign an employee to do maintenence chores): Paladin at SimWardrobe
- Employees - Massage Controller (Assign an employee to sell and perform massages): Paladin at SimWardrobe
- Employees - Musician Controller (assign employees to play musical instruments): Paladin at SimWardrobe
- Employees - No employee door (keep employees out of home areas on home business lots): Paladin at SimWardrobe
- Employees - Vocational Training Controller (Assign employees to train other sims in skills or badges): Paladin at SimWardrobe
- Faster Browse & Buy for Customers: Monique at MTS2
- Fish Packing Station: Paladin at SimWardrobe
- Limit Employees To Basic Sell: Paladin's Place
- Managers - Missing Manager Fix: JM Pescado at MATY
- Mood Check For Sales Interactions: Paladin's Place - If a sim is in a bad mood, the NPC sales people will stay clear of them.
- No Employee Door (prevents employees from using it): Paladin at SimWardrobe
- Numbered Business Ranks: BoilingOil at Leefish.nl
- Open/Closed Sign - Place Anywhere: Custom version by Numenor at MTS2 and Global (replacement) version by Numenor at MTS2
- Pay Buffet: Paladin at SimWardrobe, Inge Jones at SimLogical
- Pay Buffet - Pizza: Paladin at SimWardrobe
- Pay Arcade Games: Inge Jones at SimLogical
- Pay Gym Machines: Inge Jones at SimLogical
- Pay Toilet: Inge Jones at SimLogical
- Produce Packing Station: Paladin at SimWardrobe
- Sellable Aspiration Rewards mike_1102 at MTS2
- Shoppers Respect Privacy: BoilingOil at Leefish.nl
- Simulated Sales: BoilingOil at Leefish.nl
- The Hungernator (Make customers hungry on business lots): Paladin at SimWardrobe - Sims 2/Objects/Business Facilitators
- Time Clock (calls in/sends home employees at the time you specify): Paladin at SimWardrobe
- Wage Adjuster (allows you to set an employee's wage to an exact simolean amount): Paladin at SimWardrobe - Sims 2/Objects/Business Facilitators
- Mannequins for Clothing Stores:
- Pay Door: Inge at SimLogical
- Career Uniform Outfit Templates (for creating custom career outfits): Vagrant at MTS2
- Career Rewards - Unlock All Rewards: Monique at MTS2
- Elders Can Have Adult Jobs JM Pescado at MATY (no age discrimination)
- Get any job at any time (including custom careers): Monique at MTS2
- Job Info Tool (check salary, skill and friends requirements, carpool time, end hour, for various career levels including custom careers and change job performance level): christianlov at sims2graveyard
- No Friends Required for Career Advancement/Promotions: TwoJeffs at Simbology
- Random Job Offer (changes how many jobs are offered each day): BoilingOil at Leefish.nl
- Retire (works for Teen, Adult, and Elder: Monique at MTS2
- Stop Skill Building and Go to Work: Monique at MTS2
- ATM: Monique at MTS2
- Automatic Payment Mod (set up individual payments between sims): monique at MTS2
- Banking/Loans: Monique at MTS2
- Bills and/or Rent Paid Automatically: Paladin at SimWardrobe (Sims2/Objects/Home Life Improvements)
- Donate Money: Monique at MTS2
- Lottery Tickets: Monique at MTS2
- Money Order (Send money to other sims): JM Pescado at MATY
- Rent/Mortgage: Inge at SimLogical
- Tenant/Landlord Hack: Monique at MTS2
- Tin Can Bank (withdraw and deposit money): Carrigon at S2W
- Work at Home (write articles in different categories your sim gets paid for): Monique at MTS2
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Animals | Anime and Video Games | Body Shop Content |Building and Construction | Business and Financial |Celebrity Sims | Character Sims | Child-Related Objects |Corrections, Fixes and Tweaks |Crime, Punishment, and Public Service |Decorating Themes |Fantasy |Food |Hacks and Hacked Objects |Historical and Ethnic |Holidays |Maxis Match |Medical |Neighborhoods |Programs and Utilities |Religious |School |Sci-Fi |Vehicles |Weddings and Marriage |
Sims 2 Hacked Computer
Sims 2 Miscellaneous Hacked Objects and Patches
Click on file links to download:
IS CHAIR A BOOTH FIX SharedIsChairABoothGlobal (contains game override) This patch is needed in order for the game to recognise cloned dining booths as dining booths. Booth cloners need to avoid changing the Proxy GUID value in the OBJD if they want this to work. (You can and should change the normal GUID, of course) SharedIsSofaASectionalGlobal (contains game override) Similar patch for sectional sofas. Updated 1st Sept 2008 to make compatible with AL. |
AGS AUTONOMY SYSTEM A new flexible way of controlling autonomy for certain interactions |
CHEAPER OLD WRECK ijShipwreckPricePatch.zip (contains game override) An override to the Pirate Ship price - who wants to pay more than §1 for a load of old driftwood? |
TELESCOPES ON COMMUNITY LOTS ijCommunityTelescopesPatch.zip (contains game override) requires whatever EP each telescope came with For some reason the two Maxis telescopes could not be placed on Community lots. This patch fixes that. |
No Disease Patch NoDisease.zip (contains game override) This is a complete replacement for the Disease Controller. Therefore it will almost certainly interfere with the action of any other download you have that affects illness or immunity. I don't expect that such a clash would result in serious loss of game data, but it's always best to be cautious and back up your favourite neighbourhoods when using hacks. This hack stops most of the processing of illness including food poisoning and pregnancy morning sickness. If you have a Sim already sick when you install the patch, they will stop having symptoms. For some Sims you may get a message pop up after some time saying they are well again. Other Sims may remain infected and may continue their illness after you remove the patch. Please let me know if something unexpected happens. |
NO KICKING TRASHCANS PATCH NoKickTrash.zip (contains game override) This takes away the option for annoyed and annoying Sims to kick over trash cans, and therefore no roaches and no flu! You may still occasionally get roaches from other types of garbage, but this was the most frequent reason in most people's games. |
LESS DRIPPING ijNoDripSinksPatch.zip (contains game override) Stops broken sinks making that constant dripping noise - which they seemed to go on doing even after being fixed. May not fix a dripping noise which has already started but should prevent it starting. |
STAY-THINGS SHRUB StayThingsShrub.zip (no globals) Has a menu so you can choose if your buy mode objects stay when the family moves out, or get sold. Using the option sets the objects that are already there at the time. If you buy new objects you'll have to use the shrub again to set them. So for example if you like your fitted kitchen, bathroom and ceiling lights to stay when a family moves out but their personal furniture to go, then put in the kitchen and bathroom and lights first, use the shrub to fix them, then put in the other stuff after. Note: For pre-Nightlife games Maxis fridges had a problem with this shrub. Either flag other objects before buying your fridges, or else download the patch below which changes the bit of Maxis code that isn't happy. The patch goes in Downloads too. StayThingsShrubGlobfix.zip (contains replacement global) |
GROWN UPS ACT GROWN UP ijGrownUpsGrowUp.zip (contains game override) Do not try to keep this in when installing the next EP This file comprises the whole of the personglobals menu with adults and elders disabled from things like water balloons and pillow fights and handheld game consoles etc. All the things mature adults don't do so much in real life. They can still do the things if a child or teen initiates it, so they can at least play with their kids. In real life it is usually the kids that ask to for the play anyway. |
NO ADULTS SWINGING ijNoAdultsSwinging.zip (contains game override) A patch for the swing to stop adults being able to use it. They can still push the kids. ijNoAdultsOrVisSwinging.zip (contains game override) Like the No Adults patch but also stops visiting kids using the swing. |
NO AUTONOMY CHEERING ijNoResMusicCheer.zip (contains game override) Applies only to Maxis original musical instruments on liveable lots. Stops sims cheering or jeering as the walk by, and they only watch when instructed by the player. |
NO AUTONOMOUS DOLLHOUSE KICKING NoAutonomySmashHouse.zip (contains game override) |
NO AUTONOMOUS COMPUTER GAMES NoAutonomyCompGames.zip (contains game override) This should stop most autonomous computer game playing on most computers, depending on exactly how they were cloned. |
NO BALLOONS PATCH NoBalloons_patch.zip (contains game override) I didn't manage to get rid of *all* of them. They still notice popular or romantic sims, and have desperation balloons, and new possession balloons. However, the plumbob is gone. But to get the most complete effect you really need to start with a new family and new lot after installing this patch. There are three files - the one called 'extra' has stuff in it that *might* affect gameplay and make them not earn skills etc. I don't use this patch myself so you're best off asking people who use it what if any exact effects it has. The one called PlumbobZapper is actually an object in your catalogue (under Misc/All) - it's a CD-ROM. If you find the patches are not getting rid of the plumbobs, then place this on the lot, and it checks for plumbobs every few minutes and hides them Good for storytellers. NB: This patch will probably infect uploaded lots. Not needed for Nightlife or later, which has a cheat code for this. |
NO CARE FLOWERS PATCH NoCareFlowers_patch.zip (contains game override) Makes all flowerbeds in the whole game purely decorative, and they don't need watering, or create weeds. The downside is they stay at the same life stage forever and no butterflies visit. I am not updating this any longer, as TwoJeffs as made a better patch which allows butterflies to visit |
NO CARE SHRUBS PATCH SimlogicalNoCareShrubs_patch.zip (contains game override) Makes all shrubs in the game purely decorative. For some reason I can't fathom, this was ridiculously difficult to achieve compared to the flower patch, and so I ended up pulling nearly the whole of shrubglobals into the patch. For this reason, although it's compatible with my no-care flowers patch, there is an increased likelihood of it clashing with other people's gardening hacks. You may have to delete existing shrubs and replant after installing. |
DECORATIVE MAILBOX DecoMailbox.zip (no overrides) This is a copy of the mailbox hacked so it does nothing and is just an ornament for the front garden. If you have more than one home on a lot you could use this to make it look like they each have a mailbox. The mail carrier will only put mail in the real one. |
RESERVABLE DESK ReservableCheapDesk.zip (no overrides) Only the assigned owner can put anything on this desk. To make it really worthwhile, also download this homework patch (replacement global), which means when a child has a reserved desk, they will always try to put their homework on it. I have included as little code as possible in the homework patch, in order to minimise the chance of it conflicting with homework hacks that do other things - but let me know if you seem to be getting problems. NB The homework patch may clash with homework placement hacks by other creators. |
LESS GURNING ijNoGurning.zip (contains game override) The file is called no gurning but in fact it doesn't stop all of it. Meant to reduce some of the stupid exaggerated facial expressions Sims do while talking. Clashes with 'CASnoidleAnimations' by Squinge |

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