Unit 2: Mao's Chinamac's History

End of Unit Assessments
  1. Unit 2: Mao's Chinamac's History War
  2. Unit 2: Mao's Chinamac's History Summary
  3. Unit 2: Mao's Chinamac's History Timeline
  • For this project you must define the terms listed below and explain each term's significance to the unit/era being studied. Your definition should be 2-3 sentences long and may be copied and pasted from a source like Wikipedia, but the significance of the term must be in your own words and based on your own understanding.
  • Topics for Unit 2-1, Population Distribution 2. Consequences of Population Distribution 3. Population Composition 4. Population Dynamics 5. The Demographic Transition Model 6. Malthusian Theory 7. Population Policies 8. Women and Demographic Change 9. Aging Populations 10. Causes of Migration 11. Forced and Voluntary Migration 12.
  • Culture study unit 2 Chinese History worksheet 1. Culture Study Unit 2: Chinese History Introduction Identify the following on the map, mark or draw with a color pencil A. Yellow River (Huang He) B Yangtze River (Chang Jiang) C. Xi-an F Himalayas G. East China Sea H. South China Sea I.

3/9/11 Outline Pages 767-776 key Terms AP World Mao Zedong: A Chinese revolutionary leader of the twentieth century. He led an army of workers and peasants on the Long March in the 1920s and used guerrilla warfare techniques successfully on both the Japanese invaders and the forces of the Chinese government under Chiang Kai-shek.

Unit Introduction and Vocabulary
Indian Independence Movement

Unit 2: Mao's Chinamac's History War

African Independence Movements and Apartheid
Chinese Communist Revolution
Nationalism in the Middle East
Unit Synthesis Tasks
End of Unit Assessments
Unit Introduction and Vocabulary
Indian Independence Movement

Unit 2: Mao's Chinamac's History Summary

African Independence Movements and Apartheid
Chinese Communist Revolution
Nationalism in the Middle East
Unit Synthesis Tasks

SQ 14. How were the policies of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping similar and how were they different?

Unit 2: Mao's Chinamac's History Timeline

  • 10.7 SQ 14. How were the policies of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping similar and how were they different?
    10.7 SQ 14. How were the policies of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping similar and how were they different?

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