Sql Server Error 1474 State 1hereiup

Fixes an issue that triggers errors if database mirroring is configured by Transact-SQL in SQL Server 2016. Date time spid53s Error: 1474, Severity: 16, State. To view Transact-SQL syntax for SQL Server 2014 and earlier, see Previous versions documentation. Remote Desktop and log into the database server. Start SQL Server Management Studio. Right-click on your database and select Properties. Click on the Mirroring page and then click the Failover button. The database will now be listed as (Mirror, Synchronized / Restoring) and will be accessible from the other MS SQL Server.

Ever had an issue you truly could not figure out?

Sql Server Error 1474

Then a collegue takes one look, points to your monitor and says 'Here is your problem'!!!! Happened again today.
I'm running SQL 20008 SP1 with multiple Sync mirrors. I tried to mirror another DB today and received the following:
Principal Error Log:
Error: 1438, Severity: 16, State: 1.
The server instance Partner rejected configure request; read its error log file for more information.
The reason 1460, and state 1, can be of use for diagnostics by Microsoft.
This is a transient error hence retrying the request is likely to succeed.
Correct the cause if any and retry.State
Error: 1499, Severity: 16, State: 1.
Database mirroring error: status 1460, severity 16, state 1, string DBNAME
Error: 1443, Severity: 16, State: 2.

Sql Error 1474

Database mirroring has been terminated for database DBNAME
Mirror Error Log:

Sql Server Error 1474 Severity 16 State 1

Error: 1474, Severity: 16, State: 1.
Database mirroring connection error 2 'DNS lookup failed with error: '11004
(The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found.)'.

Error 1474 Severity 16 State 1

for 'TCP://NAME.Domain.com:5022'.
Error: 1443, Severity: 16, State: 2.

Sql Server Error 1480

When altering the database - set the partner with the correct machine name.
I had a typo in the name and the mirror kept failing....

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