Rock, Paper, Scissors, Catchelementary P.e. Games

Get ready to rumble in our Recess Enhancement Program's (REP) fun twist on rock-paper-scissors.

The three students play the game of “Rock-Paper-Scissors.” This is a variation of the traditional Japanese game where the students count “1, 2, 3.” On “3,” the students display either a fist (rock), their palm (paper), or two fingers (scissors). The Game This rock-paper-scissors game illustrates the basic principles of an adaptive artificial intelligence technology. Like Afiniti, the system learns to identify patterns of a person’s behavior by analysing their decision strategies in order to predict future behavior. Rock, Paper, Scissors Beanbag Balance. – A Virtual PE Workout Game 1 day, 21 hours ago. Best of Twitter posted a new resource.


RPS Rumble

Who: Grades 3-8

Players: 10+

Time: 10 minutes+

Where: Auditorium, cafeteria, classroom, gymnasium, hallway, library, playground

Rock Paper Scissors Catchelementary P.e. Games To Play

Equipment: None

Rock Paper Scissors Catchelementary P.e. Games Youtube

How to Play

  • Players line up and stand 6 ft away from each other. Go over rock-paper-scissors with the players.
  • All the students will play against the coach, called the rumbler.
    • If a player is successful against the rumbler, he or she remains standing.
    • If a player throws the same sign as the rumbler, he or she remains standing.
    • If a player is unsuccessful, he or she does five jumping jacks, then sits down.
  • The game continues until there is one player left standing. That player becomes the new rumbler.

Check for Understanding

  • What does paper beat?
  • What do you do when you are unsuccessful?

Game Tip

  • Players who are unsuccessful and are sitting down can still participate as long as they stay seated.

Conflict Resolution Tip

  • Time permitting, keep playing until everyone gets a chance to be the rumbler.


Easy: Practice rock-paper-scissors before playing.

Medium: No one gets out. Complete a couple of rounds, then choose a new rumbler.

Hard: Have two rumblers in front of the groupl

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